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Author: runmarrobot

Pick and place robots

Pick and Place Robot: Key Benefits and Selection Guide

The manufacturing and logistics industry is significantly dependent on pick and place robots. These machines accurately manage and automate processes like sorting and packaging. This blog describes its advantages and common uses along with the steps to explain how to choose the right option for

Cartesian robots

Cartesian Robot: Key Benefits and Selection Guide

Cartesian robots are vital in modern automation offering precision and adaptability. These systems use linear movements to handle tasks efficiently. This guide explains their benefits common uses and how to choose the right model. What Is a Cartesian Robot? A Cartesian robot operates on three

What are the benefits of different injection speeds?

The most important process conditions in the injection molding process are the temperature, pressure, speed, and corresponding action time that affect the plasticizing flow and cooling. And these factors interact and constrain each other, such as increasing the temperature of the melt and mold, which

Why does the screw of the injection molding machine slip?

1.People often use high-speed injection molding machines to shorten the injection molding cycle and improve production efficiency. However, in the production process of injection molded products, the slippage of injection molding machine screws is a major problem. Especially when dealing with moisture absorbing materials such

How to control the stability of injection molding process

Injection molding is an engineering technology that involves transforming plastic into useful products that maintain their original properties. The important process conditions of injection molding are the temperature, pressure, and corresponding action time that affect the plasticizing flow and cooling. 1. Temperature control Material barrel

How to choose an industrial automation robotic arm

Automated robotic arms have penetrated into industrial production, and the addition of various performance robotic arms has created more competitive advantages for the development of enterprises. In order to meet the demand for efficient production, industrial robotic arms have been widely used. How to choose